Today, I woke up feeling like I am coming down with a touch of a cold. I have been feeling low on energy and feeling blah, but we went into the house again for a few hours this afternoon to tear up more stuff. The closet organizers are all down and ready to be plastered, the bathroom mirror and more baseboards are gone, and we removed the chair rail in the kitchen. Trevor plans to go in for a full day tomorrow while I'm at work to start some caulking work and remove more of the 2 x4s down in the sewing room.
Here are a few photos of what we did today.
The Living Room. Soon the fireplace will be gone and the wall patched, plastered and ready for painting
The hallway looking toward the master bedroom. The compressor is in the hallway. We used it later this afternoon to put more trim up over the doors with the nail gun! Nasty yet cool little tool!
Spare Room. Shelf is now down, walls plastered and ready for the painter
The front entrance way. Wallpaper was stripped off yesterday and plastered.
The wall is almost down between the two rooms that will make up my one big sewing studio!!!
Look at this AWESOME shelf!!!!!! This was removed from Trevor's future "man cave" room. It is HUGE!!! It will be PERFECT in my studio to put all my books, patterns, binders and sewing stuff!!!!!!! I know exactly where I want to put it! I just need to give it a lick of paint to freshen it up!
Move out of the way Tim Taylor.. arrrhhh arrrhhh arrrgh!!!!
Poor Trevor, the battery had to be recharged in the drill and he had to remove the rest of the chair rail in the kitchen by hand!!!
Taking a break and testing out my new tub!! Ahhhh what tub times I am going to have here!! Perfect space for a few candles and a glass of wine!! All that's missing right now are the bubbles!! I thought I would lie here and watch Trevor work for a bit. I was watching him take the old moldings around the doorway. At this point I can feel myself coming down with a touch of a cold and was running out of steam. So I decided to lie off in the tub!! LOL
This is looking out my back patio deck. Up to Friday we had really nice weather and lots of grass and little snow. Yesterday we had a bit of a snow storm ("Sheila's Brush" as we call it here. An Irish term for the one last snow storm of the winter season. It usually happens around St. Patrick's Day, but this year it was a week late coming. We were starting to think we wouldn't get it this year). Anyway this morning when we got up, we noticed we had some freezing rain overnight and coated everything in ice! It was so pretty to see all the trees covered. Later this afternoon the sun came out and everything sparkled!
So that is the update on the house so far. Tomorrow after work, Mum and I are heading to the Paint Shop to get out paint for all our rooms and bring them back to the house. Our painter should be back on Tuesday morning to start painting again. I can't WAIT to see the paints I chose on my walls!
But for now, I think I am going to sign off here. It's 9:30pm and I'm starting to run out of steam. I think I will be heading to bed early tonight. I have work in the morning, as well as a doctor's appointment. Maybe he can suggest something for this upcoming cold I seem to be brewing. :(
Quiltingly Yours