I thought before I left that I would show you a few more photos of the renos. By the way, Saturday past, April 11th was moving day. My stuff is now in the house, I just haven't had the chance to really move it around in the rooms they way I want it. I do however have most of the boxes unpacked for the kitchen. I washed up every dish, cup, mug, utensil, etc. and placed them in the cupboards. I'm sure I will be moving them more til I get them the way I want. My pantry is also done, and will be filled soon with lots of yummy food. Right now I have most of the big appliances such as my slow cooker, bread machine, food processor, etc. on the shelves. I can't wait to start playing in the kitchen and getting back to my recipe books.
So here goes!
The Kitchen... well um... yeah, the floor is now down and the walls all painted. Just doing some touch ups at night. The track lighting wasn't up so hence the cord hanging down from the photo keeping the movable light around.
Living/Dining room area. Mum and I spent the night before moving day on our hands and knees cleaning up any spots of paint or plaster that was on the floor.. then we gave it a little mopping.
The hallway. We still have to replace the light fixtures. I know the ones I want and they are on order. I hope to get them after the trip.
Remember the not so usable bathroom? Well it looks like a well functioning bathroom now!!!
Moving Day. Saturday, April 11, 2009
Back of the moving truck after most of the big furniture was removed
Looking out the living room window
They movers had to take the front door of the hinges to get my furniture through!
The movers... They are brother and brother in law. Funny couple. The guy in the grey sweater is petrified of mice. I kept telling him to be careful of little critters in my storage unit as they could be hiding between couch covers LOL.. He wasn't too impressed. His brother in law just jeered him on even more... I am happy to report that there were no new four legged tenants in my furniture!!! :)
Sitting in the warm living room while the movers bring in my things
While the movers were busy, here is sweetie in the bathroom doing more caulking! He is the caulking master!
One of the fellas we hired to lay floors, make a pantry and custom bedroom closets, and painting. I may hire him back after the holiday to start my sewing studio.
The day after the move. Mum and I started unpacking boxes of kitchen stuff to clean up, wash up and put away in the cupboards.
So now it is time for a holiday. I will be away for the next 12 days and am really looking forward to relaxing and enjoying our trip. I am not sure if I will get a chance to post while I'm away, but if I can, I will drop a little line or two. Otherwise, see you soon!
Hopefully once my sewing room is complete (soon I hope) I will have more quilting topics to chat about!
Quiltingly Yours