Right now my sewing room looks like this:
That big white book shelf in the back there was painted last weekend and mounted to the wall. The shelf was first in one of the spare bedrooms upstairs here in the house, but Trevor wanted to use that room as his "Man Cave" and he didn't want the shelf. Needless to say I grabbed it immediately as I knew it would be PERFECT for my new sewing room!
Ohhh the mess!! I thought I would start by going through all the photocopied and internet printed patterns I have saved since the 90's and decide which ones I wanted to keep and the rest I will give away.
In the far corner is the new desk I bought and had assembled from Staples. I LOOOVVE this desk!!! I have had my eye on it for a couple years now. It is extra wide and big and so is perfect for my little office space when I get back to selling my work again and a FABULOUS spot for scrapbooking!
A temporary place to put all my quilting magazines and books til my bookshelves come on Monday.
I can't tell you how many binders I had of patterns. The biggest pile of patterns to the bottom right are ones I don't want anymore. I plan to give my Thursday night sewing girls first dibs!
Last week my cousin was in town with his wife (an old school friend of mine) and their 9 month old little boy, whom I am the proud God Mother of. They are presently living just outside Edmonton, Alberta and came home for two weeks to visit family. This was my first time meeting my little God Son, and I just love him to pieces.
So here is my little guy and his Dad (my cousin) here in the house.
Poor little fella has been fighting a nasty cold since he left Edmonton. He parents left Thursday past to drive across the island to visit Lisa's family and poor Ethan had a rough time of it. The drive from here in St. John's to Corner Brook is about 10 hours, that includes gas and pee and meal breaks. At least it was a nice sunny day and so the drive was good.
I have one more piece of news to share with you all and I thought I would leave the best for last. We have a brand new addition to our little family. I would like to introduce you to Alexi
A house is not a home unless you have a little furry critter to give it love. We rescued this 4 year old mix from the local SPCA. Her last family could not take care of her any longer as there was an illness in the family. Unfortunately they had to say good bye to her. When we saw her the other day, we fell in love with her, and just knew she would be the one for us. She has such a beautiful personality and a HUGE sook that wants constant love. She has been my shadow since we brought her home yesterday evening.
Here she is with Daddy as they take a little power nap before supper!
Hopefully after Monday, I'll be able to post more photos of the developing sewing room. I had hoped to put new flooring in and new walls and paint as there is old 70s panelling there now, but time didn't allow. So I think I will wait til after Christmas and then start renovating that space. That will be the last room in the house to be reno'ed. Other than that, the place is really starting to take shape. We are starting to get our things we love on the walls and really make it a cozy home. There are still a few more things we need to do such as get the spare room set up for future guests, (Trevor is moving over his bedroom furniture for that room), and the other room is his "Man Cave". He will start making that his cozy space shortly. Once both rooms are set up, THEN I'll start posting the before and after photos so you can see how this place really transformed!
It is now a little after 10pm, and myself and Alexi are here on the couch spending time together. Err well I am posting and she is taking a nap. This is a girl's movie night and so after this post, we will sit back with our favourite treats and watch a movie.. hmmm perhaps we will watch Twilight!!!
Quiltingly Yours