This year we are having an early summer and so with every sunny and warm day I am outside in the garden or enjoying the patio deck.
Last week I had hoped to post photos of me and Trevor in the garden getting our flowers planted and the garden looking pretty, but well life took over and so never got around to posting them. Not to mention there seemed to be something happening every evening after supper and just couldn’t seem to sit and take a spell.
So to recap the week, Monday night Trevor and I met up with his Father and Sister, Denise and her son Gavin to treat his Dad to a birthday supper at Boston Pizza. I had a nice chicken parmesan sandwich. After supper we had to run again as we had Alexi’s doggy training to attend. (We start week #5 of 8 tonight). She is doing very well, but there are times she is just not in the mood to listen and so prefers to do her own thing. One thing she didn’t do last week was go into a barking frenzy when she saw the other dogs in her class. That seems to be one HUGE hiccup with her. It seems in her previous life (that is the first 4 years she wasn’t with us but with her first family) she was not exposed to other dogs or had a problem that resulted in her feeling she had to be the dominant dog in the pack. Her trainers say she will eventually get out of it, we just have to keep patient! But I do see an improvement in her since we got her almost 2 months ago, so I’m pleased with the results so far.
Have any of you out there in quilting blogland ever go and experience a Cirque du Soleil show???? Sigh……….. WOW!!!!!!!! All I can say is WOW when I see them perform. I gave Mum tickets to see Allegria for Mother’s Day this year. The show was this past Wednesday night. It was an amazing jaw dropping show! Two years ago Cirque du Soleil came to

Thursday night I had our work’s Social Club annual BBQ Surf and Turf. It was a very hot and humid evening, but after the bbq all the gals still kicked up our heels on the dance floor and had a ball! Usually Thursday nights is Sewing Group Night, but I said I would meet up with them a little later. If not for sewing certainly for the tea and dessert afterwards. Well that didn’t happen. I completely lost count of the time and boogied longer with my girlfriends!
Left to Right: me, Mike(I think that's his name) from our Maintenance dept., Simone, Katie, Carolyn and Holly
Hey Macarena!!! Yep.. they played it, and we had a Ball!
When I did come home around 11 that evening, Mum informed me that our sewing friend, Kelly gave me a gorgeous little bird feeder for a house warming gift. This morning we saw two Blue Jays dine on breakfast in the feeder. Thank you sooooooooo much Kelly for the bird feeder!!! And it’s yellow like my house too!! Hee hee! She also gave us a 10 piece set of the solar power lights to put in the garden. I couldn’t wait to get them in and set up! I put them in on Friday after work and I have enjoyed looking in my garden in the evening all that much more. I have many photos now of my garden and deck in the day time, but now I need to get some during the night to see how the lights look!! Thanks again sooooooo much!
In the meantime, here are some photos in the daytime of my new favourite place… My Garden and Patio Deck!
Starting my flower boxes
Trevor playing in the compost
Yours Truly!
One angle of the deck
We love to sit out here to have our supper or a little glass of wine and enjoy the summer weather
I thought I would try my hand at planting Zucchini this year. This photo was taken just over a week ago and they have doubled in size already!
My herbs... Thyme, Basil and Oregano. I am also growing mint
More photos on the deck
I did manage over a couple evenings to spend some time in my new sewing room to work on some sewing. I can’t say much right now, but I am working on a couple projects/patterns that I hope to publish and sell before the end of the summer! I’m getting very excited!
Well it is another Tuesday evening and I want to do a little bit of design and drafting work for an upcoming class this September. Will post again soon!!
Quiltingly Yours