Lately though, I am playing a bit more in my sewing room. I have a billion and one ideas in my head and I just need to lose myself in my sewing room. I have a few projects on the go right now and thought I would share some of my work.
First of all, one of my good friends, Kelly, I sew with on Thursday nights is getting married. She asked me some time ago if I would make her head dress for her and I of course said YES!!! I would LOVE to!! She gave me this beautiful champagne coloured satiny fabric and the beads that came from her Mum's wedding veil and head dress. The beads she has are just beautiful. She has many little tiny pearls and other beads but my favourite are these bigger beads seen in the photo. We plan to put some of those on her head piece tonight when she comes to our sewing group. I want to put the already padded and covered head piece on her head to decide where to start and stop the beadwork so that it shows up the best on her wedding day.
September is not that far away and I have to get started on the quilt I want to teach in the Fall season. I started using my EQ6 software and have been playing with a nice 15 block sampler quilt. This will be a 12 week course starting September 15th and running to the first week of December.
So as I was mentioning above, I decided to get my hands busy with my EQ6 software and teach myself more design work on the computer rather than sitting down with graph paper, pencil and coloured leads to do my designs. I figured out how to scan and import my own fabrics into EQ6 and now the possiblities are endless for me!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooo excited! My next lesson to teach myself is how to import my EQ designs to post here on my blog to share with you what I am doing! But for now I do have three blocks I made up last Thursday night that are going into this quilt.
I am looking forward to teaching this quilt as I will be showing my students alot of great techniques such as working with templates, rotary cutting, hand and machine applique, working with half square and quarter square triangles, Y-seams, paper piecing, crazy patch, matching points, sashing, borders, layering and quilting and of course binding! It will be a great beginner course or a good course for quilters who would like to learn more about other techniques.
For those students who do read my blog, I wanted to let you know that due to the Mundy Pond Facility closing to all courses, I will be teaching out of the Shea Heights Community Centre. If you have any other questions or comments regarding this, you can certainly drop me an email at I hope to have my yardage requirements available by the end of August when registration is available for the Fall season.
I am also working on another little project, but it is still a little hush hush right now. But I will give you a little sneak peek at what I am doing. I promise to give you more information when I am able to go public with it!!!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful safe and happy summer out there! We are planning on heading to the woods again this weekend for another camping excursion. We love to camp whenever we possibly can. We have a cozy little campsite when we get all our gear set up and I promise to take photos!
Til next time
Quiltingly Yours