I have been off work since. I managed to crawl my sore achy dead body to the doctor's office yesterday evening and he checked me over. I am happy to report that I haven't grown a wiggly tail, snout or started squealing, so I'm swine flu free. However I got me one dooozy of a cold. The cough is so intense that my entire body feels like it's been through hell and back! He gave me a note to take the week off work and to rest and drink lots of liquids. And I've been doing just that. I almost have a 2 litre carton of orange gone all by myself! I'm starting to get tea'ed out and my organs are floating in a sea of water! Every muscle in my body hurts and aches from all the coughing, but hey I'm still kickin'!
I haven't been able to get the energy up to sew for the last few days and I have been suffering withdrawls. I did manage to crawl down to the sewing room today to try a bit more embroidery work on my crazy patch blocks just to keep my sanity.
As for my new toy I mentioned about above. I brought home a new baby for the sewing room Friday after work. Please welcome "Jenny", my Janome 350E Embroidery machine to the family!
I have been oogling and drooling over this machine for about 3 years now. I decided I would start saving all my Loonies (Cdn $1 coins), Toonies (Cdn $2 coins), all my loose change as well as taking a portion from my teaching and sales money to buy this machine! And now she is finally home!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting to play with her more this week than I have already, but due to this @#($*#($* cold, she had to be put on hold. I hate having to neglect her already. But I will make it up to her very soon!!!!
I have sooo many plans for "Jenny". (Yep, I had to name her... seems I know other die hard quilters/sewers who name their machines too, so it's not just the cold sickness coming out of me)!! LOL
Friday night and Saturday morning I played with two designs. There are sooo many embroidery design websites online that I don't know where to begin!!! I'll be going into overload, not to mention I need another project like a need a hole in the head!!!!!!!!!!
Well I'm off to get a bit of supper (non fluid this time), rest a bit then try a little more sewing. Hopefully I'll be back to regular posting soon after this cold goes away!!
Quiltingly Yours