Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!
Wow can you believe Christmas is here again??? Where has the year gone at all?? Last Christmas doesn't seem that long ago, and yet here we are again!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day yesterday. Mine was very nice. Despite some 'growing pains' from baby that prevented me from doing much movement, it was a very nice and relaxing day.
Between visits with family and friends Christmas Eve,
(Lisa and I were matched years ago with the Big Brothers/Sisters program when she was 11 and I was 19... now we are both preggy!!! (2-3 weeks in difference) Too funny!) We are still very close even though we have been out of the program for many many years!

(Baby Bump pose)!

we didn't get home from midnight Mass until after 1:30 as the service went a little longer than usual, but that was okay as it was a beautiful Mass and the choir was just spectacular! I think I crawled into bed around 2am and never got out of bed til 9 the next morning.
Our Christmas Tree!!!

Trevor, Alexi the pooch and I had a nice Christmas unwrapping our gifts. I felt spoiled! I got some beautiful clothes (mostly maternity, but some I can wear after the baby is born too), a beautiful picture frame for the baby's room

some baby clothes, a cute little soft blanket with a puppy dog face on it for baby

a gift certificate for a hair salon, nice smelly stuff for our nebulizer we bought in Vancouver back in April (makes the house smell sooo nice), books, a Kitchen Aid hot red kettle, a new pair of boots, and so much more!!

Trevor got a DVD box set of The Sopranos

a new PS3 game for his system, I made him some knitted socks (my first time knitting with four needles!!! I'm sooo proud of myself!! I loved making them and now I want to make more)!!

He got a book of one of his favourite rock bands, AC/DC, chocolates, loose green tea (he has become a fan of green tea lately), some nice toiletries from The Body Shop, the movie "Borat", a Van Halen watch from his good buddy Jody, and much more!
Alexi got a new winter coat

a purple bikini chicken toy

a Christmas Dog collar, doggy snacks, a new dog tag with her name, and much more! She was in the festive mood yesterday morning and Trevor had her well decorated. I think there was more stuff on her than on the Christmas tree!!! LOL

By 10:30am we three headed downstairs to Mum's apartment for a beautiful Christmas breakfast. After that we had another Christmas gift opening at Mum's place! It took yet another hour or more to unwrap everything down there!!!
Ooh where to begin there!!! Mum gave me a Kitchen Aid Splatter guard attachment for my Kitchen Aid Mixer, maternity pjs, the latest book from one of my favourite authors, Diana Gabeldon

lots of stuff for cake decorating, two books on quilting (a Thimbleberries, and one on Bargello)

a fabric kit to make a soft pretty baby quilt, more baby clothes and toys

a recipe book on brownies (YUM), a new CD full of gorgeous machine embroidery designs
(THANK YOU Theresa)!!!!!!!

and the list goes on and on!
I gave Mum a framed cross stitch of a cross stitch kit of a cat in a sewing room she made some years ago. (she went crazy when she saw that one),

a nice cast iron dutch oven, pjs, quilty stuff including a book on Christmas projects, a fat eighth fabric set from Connecting Threads, smelly stuff for the bath, chocolates and more!
Mum gave Trevor a really nice Black and Decker Jig Saw.

This is a photo of Mum's Christmas tree.

Today, Boxing Day, we had more gift opening ahead of us! About 4 or 5 years ago, Mum and I started the tradition of keeping one gift to open on Boxing Day. We realized and agreed that Christmas morning is so anti climatic. All the gifts are opened, and suddenly you realize after getting in the swing of opening gifts there is nothing left to open til next year... sigh............ soooooo, we keep one gift to open on Boxing Day morning to prolong the whole gift opening fun!
This morning we had a great time doing just that. I gave Mum a nice Sony digital camera with a memory card. I figure with her first grandchild on they way, there are going to be alot of photos!!! She loved it! I gave Trevor a 12" x 12" scrapbook shadow box of photos and memories of his trip to Vegas with one of his best buddies back in August

Mum gave me a Cuisinart Panini Grill!!!
Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All that gift opening just wore us out! Trevor is now spending the afternoon taking a little nap with the pooch on the couch

I'm just lazing around here on the Internet and relaxing, and Mum is downstairs preparing a nice big Turkey Dinner for us tonight! Since we had breakfast at Mum's yesterday morning,then a big turkey dinner at Trevor's parents for supper, and Mum went to her neice's home for a turkey dinner, she wanted to make her turkey dinner for us tonight! wooo hooo more turkey!!!!!!!!! LOL I haven't had to cook a meal for two days.. err well I did make up a big messy breakfast this morning along with a new breakfast dessert of fried apples in cinnamon/cloves/nutmeg sauce along with pecan phyllo pastry triangles!! They were sooooooooooo yummy!!!
And with that, it is now time to have another great Turkey Dinner and then off to a Boxing Day party!!!!
From our home to yours, Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!!!!!

My next post I will show some photos of some of the gifts I made. I can now post them since all gifts have been given out! I have been sooooo busy the last few weeks sewing and quilting and gift wrapping and more. I wanted to post more frequently, but I guess I found every spare moment I had was working on gifts!!!
Quiltingly Yours!Andrea and Soon to be Baby William Todd Best!! yes we are having a little boy!!!!!!! He is due April 24th!!!!