Let's see where to start. I find the best way for me to write my posts is to go over the photos I have taken over the week. I always have my camera close by to take photos of things that go on throughout the week.
.... 2 minutes later after looking through my past photos I know what I want to tell you all about .....
To start with it seems Trevor was playing with my camera and took a few more photos of Alexi. She has such a funny personality and such whimsy expressions. She loves to sit in this chair that is in the corner of my kitchen while we are working in the kitchen. She is such a cutie!!
I guess when it comes to the sewing part of this post I first want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Viv from Highway Cottage in New Zealand. She sent me this beautiful little table topper. We were both involved with the Fall Mini Swap with the Quilting Bloggers. I will be sure this little topper is displayed this coming Fall season in my home. Thank you again Viv!!! It is too cute!
I have a few things that I managed to complete for January and to add to the "One Project a Month" challenge I'm participating in again this year. I completed the 2 sets of Santa Placemats I started before Christmas. I had hoped to complete them and use them over the holidays but time just didn't allow. This photo only shows 5 of the 8 I made because I had the other three upstairs in the living room last night as I was finishing up the hand stitching of the binding while watching a movie.
I also officially started the nursery yesterday. I started and finished the little curtain topper for little William's room. I just loooooove the fabric and how this valance turned out. I have never made a fitted valance before but with Mum's great experience she guided me through to the finish. The fabric looks fabulous next to the painted walls.
Tomorrow while I'm gone to work the painting of the furniture will be started. I have my old bureau when I was a little girl as well as the bureau and nightstand that belonged to my grandmother Flemming when she was a little girl. Once all three pieces are painted and in place I will get started on making the bureau runners. The crib will then be put together and then I will start on the bumper pads and the bed skirt.
Over my lunch hours at work, I have been sitting at my desk eating my lunch as I don't feel comfortable walking over to my aunt's house down the street from the office in my 'delicate condition' with the snow and ice. One of the things I like to do over my lunch hour is do some blogging and look at some new blogs. I came across some really beautiful blogs that I would love to share with you.
First of all is this one. "Bee in my Bonnet". What an amazingly talented lady!! I just looooooove her applique patterns and I really want to order one. My problem is deciding which one!
I also found a few other beautiful and talented quilters that I just wanted to share their blogs with! Check these out! "Pacific Patchwork", "Quilt Feather" and this one is another list of many quilting blogs you want to check out "Quilter Blogs".
As for my musings in the kitchen, I tried out a new cheesecake recipe on Wednesday evening. This one is called Pina Colada Cheesecake! All I can say is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! It took 4 packages of cream cheese so it was a nice big cheesecake. It also had coconut, pineapple and coconut milk to give it a yummy taste!!! I played around with my cake decorating tips to do a little decorate look to the top. Cheesecakes have a tendency of cracking on the top when it comes out of the oven, so I cover up the cracks with decorations and you will never tell it had cracks!!!
I also tried out a new hashbrown casserole for breakfast this Sunday morning. My friend, Crystal from work told me about this casserole she makes and loves. So I just had to give it a whirl. I didn't take a photo of it but it was sooooooo easy to make.
Take a package of McCains or Cavendish hash browns. Combine it with a cup of sour cream, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a cup of shredded cheddar cheese. Mix all the ingredients well and place it in a long casserole dish. Bake at 350 F for one hour. YUM!!! It is also good as leftovers, so I put the remaining casserole in some plastic containers for Trevor and I to have for our breakfast or lunch tomorrow.
And on that note, I think I have wanted to tell you what I wanted to for now. Today's tasks are to give Alexi her weekly bath, get a shower for myself as we are heading to Trevor's parent's home for supper this evening. Tonight I have to get the rest of nursery cleaned out and ready for painting in the morning. If time permits I might work on some hand stitching on a few projects I want to try out. I came across a couple more BOMs I just HAVE to get into!! Fat Cat Patterns, and Love Is
I need another BOM or project like I need a hole in my head!!!!
Ohh just before I leave, we have two little bird feeders on our patio... well one on the patio the other in the tree next to the patio. We love to watch the little junkos and other feathered friends munching on the birdseed. This little fella seemed like he was guarding the feeder. He stayed next to the feeder for close to an hour this morning while I was making breakfast.
While waiting for the first set of photos to upload I was looking out Trevor's "Man Cave" room window to look at the birds and the patio and tree is littered with the little cuties! And the guard bird is still there!! LOL funny things!
Quiltingly Yours