This photo was taken last week
Since I last posted I mentioned how my energy level is next to nil and I have also been dealing with a bad case of insomnia. Oohhh and my favourite, MAJOR MAJOR itch/scratch fest all over my body!!!! I had that checked out already as it is a sign in some pregnant women of liver issues that could be both dangerous for momma and baby, but thankfully I don't have that. However, doctors have said some women get a very bad case of the itchies all over their body and the only way to help relieve it is through calomin lotion and oatmeal baths. So each day and night I soak in what I call "a bowl of porridge" for 20 at a time, then lather up my feet especially with calomin lotion to help relieve me for a little bit. My poor ole feet, ankles, legs and now arms and wrists are scratched up and cut up from scratching so much!! If the old saying was true that if you had an itchy hand and you had to scratch it, I would be multi millionaire!!!!! LOL
Back in my last post I mentioned I really didn't have much energy to do much sewing or cooking and spent much of my time lying around on the couch watching movies or sleeping when I was able to drift off. However since then I have been getting little energy spurts (I hear it's a sign of 'nesting') and I have found it really keeps my mind of the insomnia and the long long long time it is taking for this baby to arrive. So during those times, including in the wee hours of morning when everyone, including the dog is asleep, I have been working some some hand projects while watching some really bad bad tv shows. I'm not a tv person, and I have to say there is alot of crap on both day and night. However, saying that I have found a really funky show called "Cake Boss" that comes on Monday nights. This guy, named Buddy makes the most INCREDIBLE cakes! Last week he made a life size Nascar car out of cake and cereal treats!!
Anyway, I am getting side tracked... so yeah, hand sewing projects and other stuff.
I think I mentioned also some time ago that I planned to get a really good head start on making my Christmas gifts early this year. With a little baby soon on the scene, I won't have as much sewing time as I normally do, so I have managed to get a good head start on the gift making.
I showed you some time ago the center of a sewing machine cover I am making. Well it is almost complete. I just have to sew the binding around it and then it is ready for photos and to share here with you.
Next up, is Mum modelling this Butcher Apron with matching pot holders! Butcher aprons are fun and easy to make up. I thought a bit of seminole would do the trick up against the black apron fabric. I love this style apron and I think I might need to make a couple for myself before the year is out!
I have also got into a sock knitting craze!
I have been off work now for 4 weeks, and in that time I have 3 pairs knit and complete with a 4th pair now on the needle!
I am not straying too far from home these days in fear that I will start labour or my water breaking in public, but the other day I had such a bad case of cabin fever I HAD to get out of the house. Mum and I headed to a local wool shop here called "Wool Trends" I ended up picking up enough wool to make another 4-6 pairs of socks!!!!!!!! LOL
Finally I got a good start on the one of a kind summer flip flop bags I have been making for a few years now. I have 7 cut out and embellishments picked
and 2 complete. Here are two of them.
I figured if I keep myself busy, nap when I can the time will go by faster and my little boy will be here!!! Keep your fingers crossed something happens soon, cause I am ready to claim my body back now!!!!!!!!
Quiltingly Yours