Tonight I made a lady bug bloomer for another customer. I just looooove how the lady bug turned out!!!!
Tonight I am also doing a few other samples of butterflies, and Princess themed designs. I am hoping within a week time to have my Etsy account set up and ready to sell my work there. I am also working on a Facebook Group. Once I have these in place I will post a message here for anyone who may be interested in ordering a cute bloomer for some sweet little girl they know. At the moment the size of the bloomers go from 0-6 months, 6-12 months and 12-18months. If you have any questions or comments about these bloomers, please do not hesitate to drop me an email or a comment and I would gladly get in touch with you!!! I will be shipping worldwide!
And on to other news.... I got back to my scrapbooking last night! My friend Crystal and I have decided to attend a scrapbook crop night once a month at a local scrapbooking store. We had so much fun last night working on our babys' scrapbooks!!!! I managed to get the first two themed pages completed last night. I am currently working on my pregnancy photos.
I also got back to working on my scrapbook recipe binders. I hauled my Fish/Pasta/Rice binder out this morning and while William was napping I managed to get a few pages done. Here are a few examples. Since I didn't have much time to sew this weekend, I did still manage to keep with the Pink Themed Scrap Saturdays through the Rainbow Scrap Challenge only it was with scrapbooking paper instead of fabrics!!! Hey it's still pink and I used pieces of pink scraps!!!!
So that is how I am justifying!!! :) oooh does it also count that I am drinking a pink grapefruit carbonated fruit beverage right now???? :) lol how about that I used a piece of scrap muslin and stitched out a cute butterfly for potential bloomers???
Well its already 12:30am and I am zonked!!!! I am off to bed to get some zzzzzzzz. Tomorrow I hope to stitch out a couple more bloomer design ideas and work on a few more recipe pages. I also have to stitch out a sample bloomer for a gal at work who had an idea for a design. I will get that completed and take it with me to the office on Monday.
Quiltingly Yours