Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Fond Memory - RIP Miss Mew

It's actually almost 1:30am on Sunday morning now, but yesterday Mum and I had to do a very hard thing. We had to take our dear little Miss Mew (Missy) and send her to kitty heaven. Missy lived to be 16 years old and she did not give us one single ounce of trouble or health issues. The last couple of weeks we noticed she was starting to lose alot of weight and she was losing the strength in her hind legs. During the last couple of evenings she had no balance, and could barely walk. She never ate for a couple days and was just taking a bit of water from time to time. It has not been an easy day. It is a bit strange not to see her in my Mum's place (my basement apartment).

She will be deeply missed. We got to spend her last moments with her before she was put to sleep. Mum and I cried and cried when we were with her. It was so hard to leave her there afterwards. We made sure she was wrapped up safely in her little quilt Mum made her years ago. I am crying now writing this cause she was such a wonderful puddy cat. She was our official quilt inspection and always gave us her "paw of approval".

Tonight Mum and I tried to keep ourselves busy and our minds active by doing some sewing and quilting. Missy loved to sit with Mum or I while we quilted in our sewing rooms. I did manage to get 2 sets of placemats quilted and the binding on, well by machine. I still have to slip stitch the other sides. I am keeping the dark pumpkin/rooster set, and the other set is for a customer.

The sewing did help a bit tonight and kept our minds busy. We did talk about her while we sewed and all the good memories she shared with us. Alexi also kept us company and tried to do some quilt inspecting of her own with a tree skirt being prepped for machine quilting.

Tonight's blog post is devoted to our little girlie girl Missy. For those of you who have those special furry friends in your life, hold them tight to you and show them love every single day. You never know what may happen tomorrow. Our legged family members worm their way into our hearts so very easily and it is soooo hard and tough to let them go.

Missy would inspect our quilts top to bottom as well as underneath to be sure all our seams were the correct size

She loved a good sun beam

I hope to bring better news on my next posting. I just needed to do this tonight.

I wanted to share this special little ball of fur with you all.

Quiltingly Yours


QuiltNut Creations said...

oh i am so sorry. i had to have my *quilt inspector* put down February 2008 and i still miss him

((hugs)) for both of you

Shelly said...

My heart goes out to you and your mom. It's never easy to lose a loved one.

Quilter Going Bananas said...

Sending you and your mum hugs from Manitoba, Canada. Love the pics of her inspecting the quilts :^)

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. 5 years ago today, we had to let our little cat, Flower, of 19 years go. Even today we still shed tears in her memory. I bet your little cat loved you guys as much as you loved her.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Missy. It's so hard to put a pet down. Give yourself and your mom a hug from me.

~Laurie~ said...

May Missy rest in peace - she was beautiful.

Unknown said...

Oh Andrea, I know just how you feel as two years ago we put our sweet sweet english cocker to sleep and there are days when I still weep for him.
So it is normal to mourn the loss of a pet. I am in tears reading of your anguish...Such a sweet cat and you will have many sweet memories of her!

limpingalong said...

So sorry you lost your furry friend. It is so hard to lose a dearly loved animal. I hope you and your Mom will mend your broken hearts. Any plans for a new kitty to help you heal?
Hugs to you both!

Andrea said...

Aww - how sad. What a beautiful kitty she was xx

Cathi said...

I am so sorry. It is so difficult to have to say goodbye to a beloved pet. Gentle hugs to you and your Mom.

Mary Anne said...

So sorry for the loss of your fur baby. Prayers to you and your mom.

Tonya Ricucci said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beauty she was and a sweetie. I'm giving my kitties lots of love.

Lynn E said...

oh I am sorry you lost your fur baby. Quilty hugs to both you and your mom.

Lisa said...

Oh, no! I just lost my cat of about 14 yrs. the same way. We didn't have time to get him to the vet to put him to sleep as he passed away right before his appt. It is hard to go through. I am having a rough time with it, also, so I totally know what you feel like right now. (He has a picture on my blog- the black and white tuxedo cat) I will have to write a post like this soon, but I am putting it off til I can do it without crying! :0) So hugs to you!

Vals Quilting said...

Hi there Andrea, boy you sure have ben through a rough patch. My cat Tig - aka my quilt inspector is the sweetest thing..she is featured throughout my blog as well...what a hard thing to do - just thinking about it and I have tears streaming down my face for you and for me when it happens...our kitty's are sure dear to us. Thanks for sharing your story.
I'm doing a BOM quilt called a Kitten's Tale - if you're interested a little dedication project to my cat and I thought I would share it to other cat lovers out there :) I hope it will get easier for you...